Wednesday, March 25, 2015

This is the beginning of my healing.  March 25, 2015.  When I was ten, I would wait for the paper to be thrown on my front lawn.  The paperboy came about four o'clock.  Now that I look back he probably got home from school and had a snack then started his paper route.  I was a fifth grader and sometimes did homework but mostly finished it at school.  I always got a snack then played outside.  The  Visalia Times Delta was folded in a neat little package that looked a little like the diapers i folded for my baby sister.  The warm diapers just our of the dryer was a job that I liked doing. I did not like trimming weeds and grass with those things that made my hand hurt and my sinuses throb. The long ones you had to fold a different way than the square ones. It was a geometrical puzzle. I have never seen a paper folded uniquely like that paper since.  It landed in the middle of the lawn and I would unfold it and skip the front pages and head for the funnies and the baseball scores.  I was a Dodger fan.